
Completion of PIPE11

In 2000, I developed the KHU-PIPE system as a comprehensive oriental medical decision-making support system by applying a rule-based reasoning method to a standardized knowledge base. And 2002 I developed OMS-Prime system. Recently, PIPE-11 (Pattern Identification and Prescription Expert on the ICD_11) that include ICD-11 was completed. That system is significantly revising OMS-Prime developed in 2002.

In China

In China, standardization of symptoms began in earnest in the middle of 1980s. In PIPE-11, there are 중의징후감별진단학 and 중의변치규범 books recognized as representative achievements, WHO-IST, ICD-11-26 and the National Pharmacy Administration of China are gathering the results of the ongoing pharmaceutical work. For the prescription, the main contents include data extracted from a number of important literatures in the field of prevention in China and the domestic “방약합편”.


In order to faithfully follow the traditional classification system, PIPE-11 referred to Donguibogam and set the symptoms, including pulsatile and tongue examinations, into 14 categories entered into the knowledge base. The symptoms and signs that can be identified during the actual medical interview process were integrated and adjusted to 445 males, 460 female symptoms, 24 pulse pulses, and 32 tongue examinations. By the category, mental 34, body 50, back of the neck, back, waist, musculature 43, skin 26, head, hair face 26, eyes and ears 42, nose and throat 33, mouth tongue, teeth 42, rib cage and chest 43, abdomen 40, genitals (24 males, female 39), pulse 24, tongue examination 32. 782 prescriptions that match the result of combinations of these symptoms and signs, 743 (356) conditions and 1289 disease names suitable for prescription are saved.